The Daniel Marshall Red Label 24kt Golden Cigar is the Ultimate Celebration Cigar

These cigars are enjoyed by big name celebrities, President’s, Titans of Industry, film and music. Weddings, Birthday’s, Anniversary’s and Holiday’s have been commemorated with this beautiful Daniel Marshall Cigar worldwide.

Each Daniel Marshall Red Label 24kt Golden Torpedo comes wrapped with over 50 individual pure 24 karat gold leaves from Italy. The Golden Torpedo is 6.25″ x 54 ring  and is meticulously rolled in Nicaragua at the famed Plasencia factory in collaboration with cigar legend Manuel Quesada.

All the tobaccos in these premium cigars are aged over 5 years before being rolled into a medium to full-bodied cigar that is smooth and complex with notes of chocolate, espresso and spice throughout. To finish off this impressive cigar, the 24 kt Italian gold leaves are wrapped around the cigar by hand , creating the perfect cigar for any celebration.

Each Daniel Marshall Red Label 24kt Golden Cigar comes in it’s own beautiful, hand-made Spanish cedar box, hand signed by Daniel Marshall, making this cigar a impressive gift.

The Daniel Marshall Red Label 24kt Golden Torpedo is only available at the finest tobacconists. Call or email us today for a location near you. Create your “Golden Moment”

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